Imitation Learning from Observation with Automatic Discount Scheduling

ICLR 2024

Yuyang Liu1, 2, *, Weijun Dong1, 2, *, Yingdong Hu1, 2, Chuan Wen1, 2, Zhao-Heng Yin3, Chongjie Zhang4, Yang Gao1, 2, 5

1Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University, 2Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute, 3UC Berkeley, 4Washington University in St. Louis, 5Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
*Equal Contribution

This paper focuses on the problem known as Imitation Learning from Observation (ILfO), where robots learn by imitating the expert's demonstration video without access to the expert's action. Common approaches convert ILfO problems into inverse reinforcement learning problems, using a proxy reward computed from the agent's and the expert's observations. However, we observe that the tasks with progress dependency property pose significant challenges for such approaches; in these tasks, the agent needs to initially learn the expert's preceding behaviors before mastering the subsequent ones. We reveal the underlying mechanism of this phenomenon and present a novel Automatic Discount Scheduling (ADS) method to address the issue.

When and Why Previous Proxy-Reward-Based Methods Fail?

Consider the following basketball task. If we (a) only instruct the agent to learn the expert's early behaviors (reaching for and grasping the ball), the agent quickly acquires these skills. However, when (b) tasked with learning the entire expert demonstration, the same method fails to acquire the initial grasping skill, and instead, moves the empty gripper directly to the basket. This is an intriguing finding: rewarding later steps in a trajectory seems to negatively impact the agent’s ability to learn the earlier behaviors.

Interpolate start reference image.

We observe a similar phenomenon in many manipulation tasks characterized by progress dependencies. In these tasks, the agents trained by previous proxy-reward-based approaches often fail to mimic the expert's early behaviors, and resort to optimizing rewards in later stages by moving to states that appear similar to demonstrated states. These locally optimal but incorrect solutions can hinder the agent's exploration of earlier critical behaviors.

Solution: Automatic Discount Scheduling (ADS)

To address the above issue, we propose encouraging the agent to master earlier parts of demonstrated behaviors before proceeding to subsequent ones. Our method incorporates a dynamic scheduling mechanism for the discount factor: start with a relatively small discount factor to prioritize the imitation of early episode behaviors; as the agent advances in the task, the discount factor increases adaptively, allowing the agent to tackle later stages only after it has effectively learned the earlier behaviors.

Interpolate start reference image.

Experiment Results

Comparison against start-of-the-art ILfO baselines on 9 challenging Meta-World tasks, with 8 random seeds.

Interpolate start reference image.

Here is the visualization of the discount factor scheduled during the training process of different tasks.

Interpolate start reference image.


title={Imitation Learning from Observation with Automatic Discount Scheduling},
author={Yuyang Liu and Weijun Dong and Yingdong Hu and Chuan Wen and Zhao-Heng Yin and Chongjie Zhang and Yang Gao},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},